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Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Adding the Hawkish Morning Air to the "To Do" List

The forest was dense with branches crackling under my feet as a walked through. With prickly trees halting me in my path, I eventually reach the point where the forest starts feathering out. The trees thin out enough so the sun can make its appearance, peaking through the tops of the trees. As I wipe the sweat off my forehead I can tell the end is near and see the trees parting, showing the first sign of clear land. Metaphorically speaking anyway. Currently I'm back at University with the encouraging goal of graduating at the end of this year. After these 6 courses, the blood, the sweat, the tears and don’t forget the lengthy exhausting nights I will only have 4 more classes till I receive that long awaited diploma.

This semester is turning out to be more difficult then I could have ever anticipated. The Latino Partnership Leadership Institute has taken captive of my Saturdays and Sunday seems to just not exist anymore. Time has really become something precious and I am learning how to dedicate it to the checklist of assignments. I spend the days checking things off and adding to this never ending list. Last Sunday I spent my day hiking through the Wissahickon Valley Park. Initially the idea of hiking all day in Mid-February was a bit daunting. With hiking boots tightly strapped, I climbed into my classmate's car and automatically I could foresee the fun I was up for.

We met our instructor, with her long hair plaited laying on each shoulder, and classmates at Blue Bell Picnic grove. The trip started in high spirits with everyone greeting each other and socializing. The most difficult parts of the trail had to be the beginning. Honestly if not for the ice coated trails this trip would have been no sweat but the ice added that extra obstacle. Slipping and sliding down the treacherous trails was no picnic and the bumps and bruise I now nurses are shown with pride. Once finially over the fact that the trails were hazardous I grew to be able to truly embrace the experience and enjoy myself.

When thinking of Philadelphia, Wissahickon Valley Park is not the visual that pops into my head. The narrow trails crisscrossing, dog walkers and bikers and the occasional runner all added to the visual appeal when hiking through the park. This was the perfect retreat from my heavy course load and the bustling city of Philadelphia. I was able to clear my mind and enjoy the scenic environment around me. And the ice and snow added to its appeal.